[Brigham Young Sermon]
I gave it as my opinion that the earth did not now dwell in the sphere in which it did when it was created, but that it was banished from its more glorious state or orbit of revolution for man's sake. Also that I did not think the tides were by the influence of the moon, but as the beating of a man's heart, the earth being a living body. Elder Parley P. Pratt inquired what was strictly right as to the association and connection of a man with his wife. I replied that if we had not been brought up in gentile superstition, it would have been right for us to associate equally with all our wives, or as we chose about it. But now it was wisdom to not forsake the wives of our youth, who dwelt in our bosoms while we and they knew not the things of God's more perfect law; for the others, who never enjoyed that constant society, could better endure the distant association than if they had enjoyed the greater familiarities, and better than the first wives could, to many of whom it would be
worse than death for their husbands to withdraw from them. As to connection with them, I thought to be strictly right would be to not unite with a woman, in view of impregnation, till seven days after the cessation of the menstrual discharge, in order for the most healthy procreation of our species. Also, that after childbirth, if delivered of a son, the woman should continue forty days in her purification, and if of a daughter, she should be seventy days separated as unclean for a man. As to sexual connection during pregnancy, just as they please about that, they could suit themselves. I also said there were things which I must teach the females, to prepare them for the presence of God, when I could get a place to do it in. ...
[Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1847- 1850. William S. Harwell, ed. Collier's Publishing, 1997.:196-197 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
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