[Council of Fifty]
.... Er John Taylor explained further the views of—and the course pursued by the committee. He referred to the lack of power and correct principles in the various governments of the earth.
The chairman [Joseph Smith] explained the meaning of the word "Ahman" which signifies the first man or first God, and "Ahman Christ" signifies the first mans son. ...
Er R[eynolds] Cahoon considered the subject before the council ahead of every thing presented to his view ever before; that we were preparing a foundation for the fulfilment of the prophets; that the constitutions of the nations of the earth compared to the constitutions of Gods kingdom is like the skeleton of a horse head, compared to the head itself ...
Er Levi Richards has been extremely interested in the contemplations of the evening. Never had felt those lofty songs of freedom burn within him as on this evening. We want laws to govern us, which are, "thus saith the Lord. God has said of the last days that he would rule all nations with a rod of Iron which is the word of God. ...
Er H[eber] C. Kimball said he had sweat an hour, and wanted to say a few words. The spirit had been like fire in his bones, He said we must lay a foundation broad enough to reinstate all things which have not been made perfect. We must swallow the whole stream and then will have all power.
Er [Brigham] Young. said spirits had been more susceptible these few councils than ever before. ... No line can be drawn between the church and other governments, of the spritual and temporal affairs of the church. Revelations must govern. ...
Er E[rastus] Snow spake in favor of Moses' government.
Er D[avid] D. Yearsley spoke of his experience He had found since he had come into this church that we had got to be men. Never considered himself decently whip't until he was whipt with a rod taken out of his own hand, and many other good things. ...
[Joseph Smith Papers: Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844-January 1846]
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