65 years ago today - Apr 2, 1959

Apostle Spencer W. Kimball attends his first temple meeting since his return from touring missions in South America. He emphasizes to the First Presidency and the Twelve the special problem in Latin America's "Catholic countries [where] divorce could not be obtained" and "some set up new households without legal sanction... When such people wished to join the [LDS] Church the missionaries would not baptize them, since technically they lived in adultery." Kimball's authorized biography notes that he successfully persuades the First Presidency to adopt a policy that "such couples could be baptized if they showed that they had done what they could to legalize their relationship, had been faithful to one another, had met responsibility to their previous [and only legal] family, and had conformed to the expectations of custom." From 1959 onward it is the LDS church policy to baptize, ordain, and give temple ordinances to any Latin American man complying with the above requirements, even
though he is living with a woman in a legally unmarried relationship defined as adulterous by "the law of the land" where they live.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

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