[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]
May 17 I Met in the Temple at 10.30 in Logan to attend to the Dedication of the same. ... Doors were open + at 10 oclke and the people were permited to Enter upon showing a ticket of Admission. About 1,500 persons were admitted.
The Priesthood occupied the Stands. The first Presidency occupied the upper Stand in the west End G Q Cannon the North side J. F. Smith the south President Taylor the Centre. W Woodruff occupied the North seat with G Q Cannon L Snow the south by the side of J F. Smith. The quorum of the Twelve Apostles occupied the side seats North of the upper Stand The Patriarch the South the seventies the North of the Stand, below the Twelve. The Presidency of the Stake occupied the Stand Below the first Presidency. The Presidets of the Elders Quorum occupied the lower Stand at the west End. The Bishops & Aaronic Priesthood occupied the west Stand. Meeting Commenced at 10.30. Presidt John Taylor read the Dedicatory Prayer. Temple Hymn Sung. The Prayer is published in the various Papers of the day.
While attending the Dedication of this Temple, The reflection Came upon me of the many hours I had spent in Prayer in my Early manhood in Calling upon God to permit me to live in the Earth to see the Church of Christ Esstablished and a people raised up who would receive the Ancient Gospel and Contend for the faith once deliverd to the Saints. The LORD Promised me that I should live to find the People of God and have a Name & a place [within his] walls, & within his House, A name Better than of sons or of Daught[ers] a Name that should not be Cut off And I to day rejoice in having a Name with his people and assist in the Dedication of Another Temple to his most Holy Name. Praise be unto God and the Lamb forever. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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