140 years ago today - Thursday May 22, 1884

[John Nuttle Diary]

President John Taylor directed the Temple Recorder to place on the records of the Temple as follows "That the Lord is well pleased and has accepted this House, and our labors in its Dedication, also the labors of the people in its building and beautifying - and whatever the Saints may feel to place into it, to ornament and embellish it, will also be acceptable. I state this as the Word of the Lord. ...

When President Taylor afterwards made pertinent remarks on the subject of adoption. said he had been considering this subject and had the matter and the Keys thereof before him, and in a short time he would make it plain to all, in that there need could (sic) be no misunderstanding. ... I feel like shouting Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory to God. For His Kingdom and people shall triumph I say it in the name of the Israels God. Amen - All present responded Amen - Prest. Taylor & Cannon & Elder Nuttall then proceeded up to the sealing room when Prest Taylor explained further in regard to the ordinance of Adoption and concluded to postpone any action on that ordinance for the present and until he shall he shall give further instructions pertaining thereto. Everything now being in working order at the Temple the President & brethren left & prepared for starting to Salt Lake this afternoon -

... it was rumored that Prest Jos F Smith & Coun D H Wells were wanted by the Grand Jury as witnesses in some Polygamy cases before them.

[Diary Excerpts of L. John Nuttall, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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