180 years ago today - May 24, 1844

After Joseph Smith recounted his first vision experience to Neibaur, he continued and "told about Mr Wm [William] Law--wisht to be Married to his Wife [Jane] for Eternity[.] Mr Smith said [he] would Inquire of the Lord, Answered ["]no["] because Law was a Adultereous person."

Later, when William was not at home, Joseph reported that Jane invited him in, "she drawing her Arms around him [Joseph, said "]if you wont seal me to my husband Seal myself unto you.["] he Said ["]stand away["] & pushing her Gently aside giving her a denial & going out. when Mr Law came home he Inquired who had been in his Absence. she said no one but Br Joseph, he then demanded what had[pass[ed.] Mrs L[aw] then told Joseph wandet [wanted] her to be Married to him".

[Journal of Alexander Neibaur, 24 May 1844, Church Archives, image available at https://eadview.lds.org/findingaid/viewer/archive/?is_rtl=false&is_mobile=false&dps_dvs=1415235011308~767&dps_pid=IE2250344#page/26/mode/1up]

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