In May 1879 Charles L. Walker recorded that Joseph Smith's contemporary, one O. M. Allen, professed he heard "the prophet Joseph say that those who lived until the year 1881 would see the judgments go forth on the wicked that would make their soul sicken to see and hear of them." Allen's 1881 date may stem from Dimick Huntington's recollection that, in surrendering to Illinois officials in 1844, Smith had said, "If they shed my blood it shall shorten this work 10 years. That taken from 1891 would reduce the time to 1881 which is the true time within which the Saviour should come [and] much must be crowded into 6 years."
[Larson and Larson, Diary of Charles Walker, 1:486, 31 May 1879; Oliver B. Huntington, Diary, TS, Special Collections, Lee Library, 2:129.; The Last Days and December 1890 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, y George D. Speer Sr., privately circulated]
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