180 years ago today - May 10, 1844

William Law distributes prospectus for NAUVOO EXPOSITOR newspaper. It advocates repeal of Nauvoo's charter and proposes to reveal "gross moral imperfections" in Nauvoo. Prospectus refers to Nauvoo's "SELF-CONSTITUTED MONARCH." Two days later Joseph Smith "called a meeting of the Kingdom," (Council of Fifty) during which the NAUVOO EXPOSITOR'S prospectus was a topic of discussion. Sidney Rigdon is authorized to visit Law and "negotiate terms of peace." Rigdon offers reinstatement of Law and his wife to "our standing in the Church and to all our offices, and they would publish it in the papers." Law counters with his own ultimatum: he demands that Joseph Smith publicly apologize for teaching "the doctrine of the plurality of wives." Rigdon "said he had not authority to go so far."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

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