[David O. McKay diary, May 21, 1954] At a meeting of the Salt Lake Temple Presidency with President [David O.] McKay[,] the following matters were discussed: Adoptions: Seal children of divorced couple (children not born under covenant) to the parent having legal custody & to companion of that parent without formality of legal adoption to the parent's companion. It was suggested by President [El Ray] Christiansen that [the] adoption ceremony seems incomplete and unsatisfactory. Matter taken under advisement by President McKay. Marriage: If marriage is to be deferred more than a week after couple goes to temple, the groom should not take the bride through the veil until they come for marriage. Going from Room to Room: Approval given by President McKay for men and women in passing from room to room to go together in double file.
[Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
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