110 years ago today - Jan 20, 1915

Office of The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Prest. Serge F. Ballif, Logan

Dear Brother:

We are greatly in need of lady missionaries in the United States Missions, and would be pleased to receive from you the names of sisters who are physically and financially able to perform missions, and whom you can recommend.

Care should be exercised in selecting lady missionaries. They should be good, steady, representative women, not too young, with a good education and knowledge of the Gospel, and who have had experience in the auxiliary organizations of the Church.

We are especially in need of a few stenographers, and hope you will also be able to suggest sisters qualified for this labor. Your brethren, JOSEPH F. SMITH, ANTHON H. LUND, CHARLES W. PENROSE, First Presidency.

[1915-January 20-Original letter. Church Historian's Library, as quoted in Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]

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