175 years ago today - Saturday, Jan 26, 1850

[Council of Fifty]

Mormons believe in a kingly government and the government of Moses-that they have a plurality of wives and live in adultery, and otherwise outrage the laws of virtue and civilization. Mr. Wentworth moved that the Remonstrance be referred to the Committee on Military affairs. Mr. [Armistead] Burt objected and the matter was laid over. As governor of the Provisional State of Deseret I [Brigham Young] approved of Ordinances providing for the organization of the judiciary: Concerning Revenue: Offering Bounty for killing Wolves: For taking [water] out [of] the river Jordan: Also Big Cottonwood and other creeks for irrigating and other purposes: Providing for State and County Commissioners on roads: Authorizing the location of state roads: And Providing for the location of Counties and Precincts.

[Historian's Office history, as quoted in Jedediah S. Rogers (editor), The Council of Fifty: A Documentary History, Signature Books (2014)]

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