65 years ago today - Wed Jan 27, 1960

[David O. McKay]

Conference with Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith re: Bruce R. McConkie's book, "Mormon Doctrine." At the request of the First Presidency, I called President Joseph Fielding Smith, and told him that we are a unit in disapproving of Brother Bruce R. McConkie's book, "Mormon Doctrine," as an authoritative exposition of the principles of the gospel. I then said, "Now, Brother Smith, hs is a General Authority, and we do not want to give him a public rebuke that would be embarrassing to him and lessen his influence with the members of the Church, so we shall speak to the Twelve at our meetingt in the Temple tomorrow, and tell them that Brother McConkie's book is not approved as an authoritative book, and that it should not be republished, even if the errors (some 1,067 of them) are corrected." Brother Smith agreed with this suggestion to report to the Twelve, and said, "That is the best thing to do." I then said that Brother McConkie is advocating by letter some of the principles as printed
in his book in answer to letters he receives. Brother Smith said, "I will speak to him about that." I then mentioned that he is also speaking on these subjects, and Brother Smith said, "I will speak to him about that also." I also said that the First Presidency had decided that General Authorities of the Church should not publish books without submitting them to some member of the General Authorities, and President Smith agreed to this as being wise.

[McKay, David O., Office Journal]

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