.... William Smith sent a Remonstrance to the Congress of the United States against the admission of Deseret into the Union. Mr. [John] Wentworth, on presenting the same in the House of Representatives said, it was written by William Smith the only surviving brother of Joseph Smith and his only successor, and set forth that he, the said William Smith[,] was unlawfully compelled to leave Nauvoo by the armed assassins of Brigham Young, who is a fugitive from justice-that Orson Hyde burnt the Nauvoo Temple- that his ([William] Smith's) premises had been entered in 1845 and $3,000 in property extracted therefrom-that he was acquainted with the persons whose names were appended to the Constitution of Deseret and knew them to be enemies of the United States, and had heard them declare that when they got to the valley of the Salt Lake, they would rob and plunder United States' citizens until they regained all the property that had been taken from them in Missouri and Illinois. And said
Smith further expressed his belief that a large portion of the murders of emigrants charged to the Indians were committed by the Salt Lake Mormons-that Brigham Young was crowned King
[Jedediah S. Rogers (editor), The Council of Fifty: A Documentary History, Signature Books (2014)]
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