115 years ago today - Jan 19, 1910

[Anthony W. Ivins]

I met Bro[ther]. Romney (Junius) and later Miles A. Romney. At 2 P.M. I met with the High Council. After preliminary exercises I presented the case of Miles A. Romney who on the _______ of ____ 1909 had gone to the Manti Temple, where he was married to Emily Burrell, he already having a large family in Mexico. The High Council was well represented, there being present a full representation besides the bishopricks of Dublan & Juarez. The case of Bro[ther]. Romney was considered, he being present. He admitted that he had been to Manti [Utah], had gone to the Temple, and had married Emily Burrell as charged. He plead in extenuation that he had been married 3 years ago & had been advised to live separate from the woman until the matter blew over & then to go to thee temple. After discussion the presidency of the Stake & I retired and after consideration recommended that Bro[ther]. Romney be disfellowshipped. The council voted unanimously to adopt the recommendation.

[Anthony W. Ivins Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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