140 years ago today - Jan 12, 1885

[Martha Pane Thomas]

"... the Millerites were preparing a place for the Savior to come and meet with them, on a certain day [March 10, 1844], in that month in Illinois. They were making great preparations by cleaning a certain piece of ground and spreading carpets, etc. Brother Joseph was speaking on the "Resurrection" and the "Second Coming of the Son of God." "You can go and tell Brother Miller he won't come on that day nor the next, nor the next year. In the name of Jesus Christ I prophesy he won't come in forty years." In a [that] moment I desired to live forty years more, and he has not come; I am just as anxious to live to see the next saying of the Prophet fulfilled concerning his coming, as I was the first. He was enquiring of the Lord concerning his second coming; the answer was, "If you live to be (I think it was eighty) years old you will see the face of the Son of God." I am in my seventy-eighth year. I want to live to see that saying fulfilled. But it matters not. If I am faithful I will
see him when he does come. Another saying of the Prophet, which I heard for myself, for I write nothing only what I can testify to."

[Autobiography of Martha Pane Jones Thomas, Lehi, Utah County, January 12, 188, as quoted in The Last Days and December 1890 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, y George D. Speer Sr., privately circulated]

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