180 years ago today - Jan 6, 1845

[Brigham Young]

The great strength in the High Priests quorum, an almighty strength. The Seventies were frightened when he proposed to them to build a little one story hall that would cost a few hundred dollars, but the High Priests can build a large hall without difficulty'- In favor of having such a hall built and are willing to do something for it themselves, and not merely look on and see their brethren built it'- Now if you will go and finish off the upper story of the temple you will have a place in which you can receive your washing and anointings and endowments. Would it not cost less to do this, than to build a hall from the start? (Yes, Yes, from all parts of the congregation.) Well then, go to work and finish off the upper room, and then you can get your endowment, and your priesthood. -- Nauvoo, Illinois

[High Priest Minutes as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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