185 years ago today - Jan 19, 1840. Sunday.

[William Clayton]

Brother Turley spoke this A.M. I spoke a little after. The wicked spirit seemed to disturb David Crooks. ... Elizabeth Mills manifested a bad spirit. I talked to her and she appears better. Brother Woodruff preached at night. Full house. He spoke plain. Good effect []. Distributed timely warnings and prayed [with] many sick. ... There has been several dreams in the church concerning my wife during the last 10 days. First I dreamt I was in the middle of a garden full of ripe fruit and after bringing some home was going out again and my wife run up a hill before me and vanished out of my sight. Another night I dreamed that I was at Hodsons, Penwortham, amongst ripe gooseberrys as above. I felt like a single or unmarried person. Sister Dewsnup dreamed that she saw me at Hardmans with one child in great trouble and the child was crying for bread. I asked her to get it something to eat. While I went somewhere Sarah Crooks dreamed that one of the American brethren was talking and joking
me about having a second wife and Sarah joked &c. She thought I had then a second wife. [Crooks would later reject a proposal from Clayton] Sister C. [] says today she dreamed that I was [stopped] in the greatest trouble. My wife was either dead or near to dying and I had one child with me. Sister Jones dreamed same as Sister Dewsnup.

[George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton]

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