195 years ago today - Jan 16, 1830

[Joseph Smith, Sr., and Martin Harris, Agreement Regarding Sale of Book of Mormon]

I hereby agree that Martin Harris shall have an equal privilege with me & my friends of selling the Book of Mormon of the Edition now printing by Egbert B Grandin until enough of them shall be sold to pay for the printing of the same or until such times as the said Grandin shall be paid for the printing the aforesaid Books or copies[.]

{...The wording of the agreement indicates that as of 16 January 1830 Harris anticipated that the sale of the books would fully pay off his $3,000 mortgage to Grandin, and that the surplus would go to Joseph Sr. and friends. However, the lack of sales would eventually force Harris to sell about 151 acres of land to Thomas Lakey.}

[Joseph Smith, Sr., and Martin Harris, Agreement Regarding Sale of Book of Mormon, 16 January 1830, Simon Gratz Collection, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Joseph Smith, Sr., And Martin Harris Agreement]

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