150 years ago today - Oct 22, 1862

The DESERET NEWS editorial concerning U.S. President Abraham Lincoln's recently-issued Emancipation Proclamation: "We demand to be informed whence the President derives his power to issue any such proclamation as he has now published. Not from the Constitution surely, for it is in plain violation of some of its leading provisions-He is fully adrift on the current of radical fanaticism. We regret for his sake, we lament for the sake of the country, that he has been coerced by the insanity of radicals, by the denunciation of their presses, by the threats of their governors and senators."

[Source: Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/extensionsofpower]

1 comment:

  1. Correct Source: The Saints and the Union: Utah Territory during the Civil War, by E.B. Long (Univ.of Illinois Press, 1981), p.106.


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