60 years ago today - Oct 23, 1952

Apostle Henry D. Moyle expresses opposition in meeting of First Presidency and apostles concerning proposal to add lace to temple garments for women. Temple council meeting approves this on Dec. 4.

[Source: Advent Adam website (defunct) - based on http://amzn.to/extensionsofpower]


  1. I wonder how many women, if any, were consulted in this decision? Does the... General RS presidency get consulted? Just curious. I'll admit, it seems weird to have a group of men decide to make changes to women's underwear. But maybe I'm just speaking up because I don't care for the lace.

    1. I don't have any more information on this Jennifer. If I had to guess, I'd say this was probably not the GA's idea. I find it hard to imagine these older men deciding on their own to add lace to women's garments.


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