5 years ago today - 6/8/2010

[Prop 8 fine against church, and church explanation] "A Stipulation in the matter of whether the LDS Church reported non-monetary contributions on time during the 2008 election has been completed and will be submitted for final action on June 10th. The Stipulation fines the Church $5,539.00. This is equal to 15% of the amount of money deemed to have been reported late. The 13 separate counts at issue totaled $36,928.00. The stipulation notes the dates and amounts of the late-reported donations."

A Church press release backgrounder identifies the non-monetary contributions as: "In response to a complaint filed by a member of the public, the FPPC initiated an investigation into how the Church publicly reported its support of the Yes on 8 campaign. The complaint alleged that the Church had failed to report numerous contributions totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars. "The Church has fully cooperated over the last year with the FPPC's investigation, which is now concluded. The investigation revealed that the Church unintentionally failed to file daily reports detailing approximately $37,000 in non-monetary contributions. This represented the cost of staff time spent by Church employees on activities to help the Yes on 8 committee during the final two weeks of the election. "Given the technical and unintentional nature of the Church's violation, the FPPC has chosen to process the Church's matter through its streamlined-enforcement, 'traffic ticket' program. The formula for setting a penalty under this program is 15% of the amount not timely reported, which comes out to $5,539 in this case. This fine is similar to fines imposed on other campaign contributors for filing reports after an applicable deadline."

[Source: FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION STIPULATION, DECISION AND ORDER LATE CONTRIBUTION VIOLATIONS, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5IILxCHTVLuNWM5MWFjMDYtYmU0Ny00NDgxLWJlYjItNTdiM2NhYjNhZjlm/edit?ddrp=1&pli=1&hl=en,http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/background-information-on-the-fppcs-enforcement-process]

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