President David H. Cannon remarks at a meeting in the St. George Temple:
"He [Temple President David H. Cannon] had been asked to explain the law of retribution: The law of retribution is: To pray the Father to avenge the blood of the prophets and righteous men that has been shed, etc. In the endowment house this is given but as persons went there only once, it was not so strongly impressed upon their minds, but in the setting in order the endowments for the dead it was given as it is written in Chapter 9 of Revelation and in that language we importune our Father, not that we may, but that He, our Father, will avenge the blood of martyrs shed for the testimony of Jesus.
[St. George Temple Minute Book, February 22, 1912, p. 110, HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT CONFIDENTIAL RESEARCH FILES, vol. 8, p. 97, as quoted in Sources on the Oath of Vengeance or Law of Retribution, Christopher C. Smith, privately circulated]
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