150 years ago today - February 10th 1872

[Paris, Idaho School of the Prophets]

Pres. [D. P.] Kimball asked the following question, which he wished the brethren to talk upon, for the benefit of some of our Elders. Are the Old and New Testaments divinely true or not?

The question elicited much discussion, and a difference of opinion was manifested.

Bp. Budge advised the brethren to be careful in their remarks and not leave false impressions, said the Old and New Testaments are divinely true (with the exception of some errors in translating) yet they are not sufficient for our faith and practice, we are in need of continued revelation.

Pres. Kimball said, that when the Lord calls his servants to the nations of the earth, He gives them those books to preach from, and we ought not to repudiate them, for through them and the servants of God, we have been gathered to these valleys. After some further remarks on farming and improvements by Bp. Budge and Pres. Kimball meeting was adjourned for two weeks.

[Paris ward - Bear Lake Stake - School of the Prophets minutes 1869-72, typescript by Michael Nielsen]

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