175 years ago today - May 28, 1847

Brigham Young dictates a written revelation accusing the "brethren" of sins they would not admit to. He has the revelation recorded but stipulates that it not be officially published.

On the pioneer trail William Clayton writes that Heber C. Kimball "came to the next wagon where some of the boys were playing Cards. He told them his views and disaprobation of their spending time, gaming, and dancing, and mock trials &c. and especially the profane language frequently uttered by some." Kimball recorded in his journal that he told them "in language not to be misunderstood . . .to conduct themselves like men of God, or they would be sorry for it." Brigham Young upon "seeing several of the brethren playing dominos" warns them that "that the devil was getting power over the camp. That for several days past nearly the whole camp had drank into A spirit of card, Checker, & domino playing & dancing & the spirit of folley & if they did not spedily repent their works, labours, & Journey would be in vain." Later that evening Young and Kimball meet and decide to call the camp to repentance on the next day

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