10 years ago today - Dec 11, 2002


Mormons meet with Jews over baptizing Holocaust victims

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- Mormon and Jewish leaders met Tuesday in New York City to discuss the Mormon church's apparent breach of its agreement not to posthumously baptize Holocaust victims and other deceased Jews.

Independent researcher Helen Radkey has no doubt that holocaust victims have been posthumously baptized. [She] is certain the agreement has been broken. In her research of the church's extensive genealogical database, she found at least 20,000 Jews -- some of whom died in Nazi concentration camps -- were baptized after they died. Read more

[Source: A chronicle of the Mormon-Jewish controversy; The LDS Agreement: A JewishGen InfoFile, http://www.jewishgen.org/infofiles/ldsagree.html]

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for the dead, Baptisms for the dead, Confirmations for the dead, Washings & Anointings for the dead, Endowments for the dead, and Sealings for the Dead are all vain delusions that are NOT supported anywhere in the KJV and the BoM. There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do for the deceased - they are either in heaven (if righteous), or in hell (if not righteous). Only God knows if a person was righteous or unrighteous at the moment of death. We in The Church of Jesus Christ (WHQ: Monongahela, Pennsylvania) practice none of these absurdities. Never in the annals of religious history has so much money been wasted on the palaces where these false doctrines are practiced by so few that could have helped so many poor and needy of the living throughout the earth.


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