170 years ago today - Apr 19, 1843

[Joseph Smith Diary] ....Joseph said to the Twelve [Apostles] "go in the name of the Lord God and tell Woodworth to put the hands onto the Nauvoo House and begin the work and be patient till means can be provided. Call on the inhabitants of Nauvoo and get them to bring in their means, then go to Laharpe and serve them the same.

"Thus commence your career and never stand still till the Master appear[s], for it is necessary the house should be done. ...

"I hereby command the hands to go to work on the house trusting in the Lord. .... It will never stop till it is completed.

"Let the Twelve [Apostles] keep together. You will do more good to keep together ... travel from Maine [to] here till they make a perfect highway for the Saints from here to Maine.

..." If a High Priest comes along and goes to snub him [a young man], let him knock his teeth down his throat &c. &c.

..."Send them to Germany and when you meet with an Arab send him to Arabia, when you find an Italian send him to Italy and a French man to France, or an Indian that is suitable, send him among the Indians and this and that man send them to the different places where they belong. Send som[e]body to Central America to Spanish America and don't let a single corner of the earth go without a mission.

"Write to Oliver Cowdery and ask him if [he] has not eat[en] husks long enough. If he is not most ready to return and go up to Jerusalem, Orson Hyde hath need of him." (A letter was written and signed by the members of the Quorum present)...

[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]

1 comment:

  1. [pages 370-372]. Wednesday, 3pm-430pm in the President's office.


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