1 year ago - Jun 29, 2012

Â"[Regarding] Joseph Smith's relationships with women besides his legal wife Emma, God's words in 1843 said that none of those acts were sinful. The Lord warned everyone (including Emma) not to condemn Joseph. And I do not. Â… If it matters to the listeners or readers of my comments, I remain a believer that Joseph Smith was "the Prophet" as he defined himself, and in the way his written revelations affirmed. Â… Faith is not rational. It is both a gift and a burden, especially for a thorough-going rationalist like me.Â"

[Source: "Evidence For The Sexual Side of Joseph Smith's Polygamy," Comments by D. Michael Quinn on Session #2A "Reconsidering Joseph Smith's Marital Practices," Mormon History Association's Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 29 June 2012 (unabbreviated version, revised during July)]

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 29, 2013

    Joseph Smith (and anyone else) was/is a Prophet ONLY when his prophecies and teachings are in complete and total harmony with the KJV Bible and the Book of Mormon ONLY, which was not very often.


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