180 years ago today - Nov 19, 1833

[Joseph Smith Diary] From the 13th u[n]till this date nothing of note has transpired since the great sign in the heavins.... /Sidney/ [Rigdon] is a man whom I love but [he] is not capa[b]le of that pure and ste[a]dfast love for those who are his benefactors as should p/o/sess the breast of a man /a/ President of the Chu/r/ch of Christ. This with some other little things such as a selfish and indipendance of mind which to[o] often manifest distroys the confidence of those who would lay down their lives for him. But notwithstanding these things he is /a/ very great and good man. ...

Brother Frederick [G. Williams] is a man who /is one of those men/ in whom I place the greatest confidence and trust. For I have found him ever full of love and Brotherly kindness. He is not a man of many words, but is ever wining because of his constant mind. ... The Lord hath appointed him an inheritance upon the land of Zion...

And again, blessed be Brother Sidney, also notwithstanding he shall be high and lifted up, yet he shall bow down under the yoke like unto an ass that coucheth beneath his burthen [burden], that learneth his master's /will/ by the stroke of the rod, Thus saith the Lord. Yet the Lord will have mercy on him and he shall bring forth much fruit. ... The Lord shall make his heart merry as with sweet wine because of him who putteth forth his hand and lifteth him up from /out of/ [a] deep mire, and pointeth him out the way, and guideth his feet when he stumbles and humbleth him in his pride. Blessed are his generations. Nevertheless, one shall hunt after them as a man hunteth after an ass that hath strayed in the wilderness, and straitway findeth him and bringeth him into the fold. ...

[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1832-34, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]


  1. This correct prophecy about Sidney Rigdon has been fulfilled today in The Church of Jesus Christ (WHQ: Monongahela, Pennsylvania), the only true succession of the Restored Gospel, and the only correct alternative to the LDS church. thechurchofjesuschrist.org


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