President Woodruff stated that ever since the death of President John Taylor Brother Moses Thatcher had been influenced by an apostate spirit. It took Brother Thatcher about a week to confess Brother Cannon's sins for him, without making any confession whatever of his own. ... Brother Thatcher had come to him when Brother Cannon was in prison and declared he was going to sue Brother Cannon before the law. Such an expression from an Apostle struck him (Brother Woodruff) like a clap of thunder. ...
President Snow said what President Woodruff had stated was true, and the brethren of the Twelve understood that President Woodruff had sounded the key note of Brother Thatcher's apostasy. ... President Snow said he thought the course pursued by Brother Thatcher in the Bullion-Beck business ought to be fully exposed.
... President Woodruff said he knew that if the people would receive it the mind of the Lord was that we should be represented in the Senate of the United States by Brother George Q. Cannon.
... It was decided that every proper effort should be made to have the brethren who were elected to the Legislature to go there un pledged to any individual, and to counteract the influence that had been used by the emissaries of Moses Thatcher to bind the members of the Legislature to his support.
The following brethren were appointed to see that this was done: namely, F[ranklin]. S. Richards, C[harles]. W. Penrose, J. G[olden]. Kimball, John Henry Smith and H[eber]. J. Grant.
[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
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