[George Q. Cannon]
In the afternoon Pres. B. Young spoke respecting our dealings with the Merchants. The counsel has been given of late to the people to deal with their friends and especially with our own brethren in preference to doing business with any body else. Some of the brethren in their zeal in talking to the people on this subject had counselled them to not deal with any Gentile, and if they did, they would be disfellowshipped. This had made a great stir among the Gentiles, and they had come out with a card signed by 23 houses, offering to sell out their goods and other property and improvements at a cash valuation, with a deduction of 25 per cent; but all their outstanding accounts must also .be. paid. They sent a copy of the Card to Pres. B. Young and another for publication as an advertisement to the Telegraph. Bro. Brigham wished me to write a reply to the Card, which I did on Friday, the 21st. [DEL: He thought] He told me how he wanted it written, and it was handed to the Telegraph for publication and appeared on Saturday, the 22^nd, over his signature. This had an excellent effect.
[The Journal of George Q. Cannon, 1855–1875, Church Historian's Press, 2016, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]
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