[Anthon H. Lund]
[At a meeting of the apostles held in the SLC temple and before adjourning to the celestial room to form the first Prayer circle in the temple] "Geo[rge] Q. Cannon My mind has been wrapt in vision since I came into this house and I have seen the glories of Eternity. I bear witness that Jesus lives for he has condescended to talk to me. I want the young to seek for this witness and to know for themselves our[?] God is a God of revelation. When you leave this meeting will you retain the Spirit you have now? I would to God that you did all feel as we do, and make the people feel the same. We do not want to dictate in politics, but we think we have a right to indicate the policy which the people ought to follow. We must use wisdom in not antagonizing the Democrats nor discourage the Republicans. The Republicans are still a power in the land."
[Diary of Apostle Anthon H. Lund, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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