[Eliza R. Snow]
... FEMALE RELIEF SOCIETY ... is the name of a Society which was organized in Nauvoo, on the 17th of March, 1842, by President Joseph Smith, assisted by Elders Willard Richards and John Taylor. Although the name may be of modern date, the institution is of ancient origin. We were told by our martyred prophet, that the same organization existed in the church anciently, allusions to which are made in some of the epistles recorded in the New Testament, making use of the title, "elect lady."/This is an organization that cannot exist without the Priesthood, from the fact that it derives all its authority and influence from that source. When the Priesthood was taken from the earth, this institution as well as every other appendage to the true order of the church of Jesus Christ on the earth, became extinct, and had never been restored until the time referred to above.
...."The Female Relief Society of Nauvoo," was organized after the pattern of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with a Presidentess, who chose two Counselors. These were ordained and set apart by the Priesthood, and were to fill those offices so long as they faithfully discharged the trust committed to them. This quorum was fully authorized to appoint such officers, committees and assistants as were requisite from time to time, either to fill permanent offices or to perform any temporary agency that circumstances might demand. But, to make these appointments legal they had to be sanctioned by vote of the majority of the meeting when such appointments were made. ...
As its name indicates, the first grand object of the Society is to seek out, and relieve the wants of the poor. ...
[Eliza R. Snow, âœFemale Relief Society,â Deseret Evening News (Salt Lake City, UT), Apr. 18, 1868, vol. 1, no. 127, p. [2]; Apr. 20, 1868, vol. 1, no. 128, p. [2], in 3.6 Eliza R. Snow, âœFemale Relief Society,â April 18 and 20, 1868, as quoted in Matthew J. Grow, Jill Derr, Carol Madsen, and Kate Holbrook, editors, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-day Saint Womenâ™s History, The Church Historian's Press, 2016, https://churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/]
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