The Salt Lake Temple was dedicated in Apr. 6, 1893, just in time for Jesus return.
END OF THE WORLD. It is Fixed by the Mormons for an Early Day in the Month of April. "If the teaching? of the Mormon faith are true," Bald Judge Edward F. Colburn, a prominent Republican of Salt Lake City, to a Boston Herald man, "it is scarcely worth while for the army of candidates to flock to Washington after offices, because after the 6th of April there won't be any offices to fill. That is the date fixed by Brigham Young for the second coming of Christ, an event which is to transpire when the great temple of the Mormon Church is fully completed. The cornerstone was laid on April 6, 1854, and the final shake-hands and wind-up were to come precisely forty years thereafter. Old Brigham was shrewd enough to fix the time far enough in advance, when he knew that he would be out of the way of heating the criticism on his unreliability as a prophet."
[The Dalles Oregon times-mountaineer., April 08, 1893, Image 1, in The Last Days and December 1890 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, y George D. Speer Sr., privately circulated]
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