[Joseph Smith Journal] [Referring to Orson Pratt's planned suicide] ... Orson Pratt has attempted to destroy himself and caused all the city almost to go in search of him. .... O. Pratt and others of the same class caused trouble by telling stories to people who would betray me, and they must believe those stories because his Wife [Sarah Marinda Bates] told him so? I will live to trample on their ashes with the souls of my feet. I prophecy in the name of Jesus Christ that such shall not prosper, they shall be cut down in their plans. ... I prophecy in the name of the Lord Jesus, whose servant I am, that you will prosper in your missions. I have the whole plan of the kingdom before me, and no other person has. And as to all that Orson Pratt, Sidney Rigdon, or George W. Robinson can do to prevent me, I can kick them off my heels, as many as you can name, I know what will become of them... I will give a lashing every opportunity and I will curse them.
[Source: Scott H. Faulring, An American Prophet's Record: Journal, ca. 1841-43 'The Book of the Law of the Lord', http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
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