Brother Horne and I chatted again tonight about the Gospel and the Adam-God Doctrine, as we have done many times before. Brother Horne, who grew up in Salt Lake City and was the son of Richard Horne and grandson of Joseph Horne said, in reference to the Adam-God Doctrine, that when he first went through the Temple (Salt Lake) for his Endowment in 1902 before going on his mission he was surprised to hear the teachings during the Temple ceremony in the Sermon before the veil, that, 'Adam was our God' and that 'he came here with Eve, one of his wives'. Also it was taught that 'Eve bore our spirits' (ie the spirits of all men). He asked his father about it but he declined to give any opinion about it. After Brother Horne returned from his mission a few years later, in 1905, he noted these teachings had been removed from the Temple ceremony. He feels that they were left over from Brigham Young's influence, but that he himself couldn't believe such doctrine. He thinks perhaps Brigham just got off in his speculation.
[Source: J. Arthur Horne, Patriarch, North Seattle Stake, 28 May 1963; The Elder's Journal Vol I by C. Jess Groesbeck, p. 291.]
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