170 years ago today - Jul 7, 1843 - Friday

[Relief Society] Second Meeting of Society.

... convened in the room under the Hall, the Hall being occupied by the Masonic Fra ternity.

...Mrs [Elizabeth Davis] Durfee presented the case of [Orrin] Porter Rockwell

- express'd much feeling of sympathy awakened in her heart by recent recitals of his sufferings- recommended the sisters to unite like the ancient saints in faith & pray'r for his deliverance.

Mrs. Sessions mentioned the case of a man whose name she did not know who had been fo[r] some length of time begging- had heard he had plenty of money. She described his dress.- Mrs. Pratt said she knew him- that his appearance bespoke deep poverty.

Mrs. Sessions spoke of some articles of clothing, to wit. 2 pr. pantaloons and 1 shirt, which she designed either to donate to the Society or to the Temple, as Society shall think proper. ....

[Source: Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book, http://josephsmithpapers.org/paperDetails/nauvoo-relief-society-minute-book]

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