135 years ago today - Jan 1, 1886

The persecution of the Government against the Latter Day Saints has Commenced in the year 1885 And there is a prosper of its being vary severe during 1886. It seems as if the whole government had turned Mob including the Presidet the Supreme Court the Cabinet & Congress all seem determind to mob & rob the Latter Day Saints under the form of Law But we still maintain that God Reigns & will untill He puts all Enemies under his feet, and He will fight the battles of his saints and He will bring Judgment upon our Enemies & destroy them in his own due time. This is the Testimony of Wilford Woodruff.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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