60 years ago today - Wed Jan 14, 1953

[David O. McKay Office Journal] 8 a.m.--Met by appointment Brother Henry D. Moyle and Harold B. Lee, concerning political matters. In Wyoming an effort is being made to pass a law legalizing gambling and permitting the placing of slot machines in public places. Governor Miller has appealed to Bishop Don P. Fowler of Cheyenne, suggesting that the bishops ask their members to write to the legislature protesting against it. The brethren were agreed that this is the kind of case where we can express our views. It was decided when I reported that matter at the meeting of the First Presidency to call the Stake Presidents in Wyoming by phone asking them to request their bishops to be active in protesting against it.

[Source: McKay, David O., Office Journal]

1 comment:

  1. Note: It should be pointed out that the "Governor Miller" mentioned was FORMER Wyoming Democratic Governor Leslie A. Miller, who served that state from 1933-1939.


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