130 years ago today - Sep 28, 1883

[Minutes, Quorum of Twelve] ... President W[ilford]. Woodruff: I want to say to the First Presidency that we have been together as a Quorum since this mornings meeting except for one hour. We have had a free and full talk upon our individual affairs-upon our family matters and the Word of Wisdom, the duties and responsibilities which devolve upon us as Apostles etc. and we have come to the conclusion that we will more fully observe the Word of Wisdom, as we have all more or less been negligent upon that point-that we will conduct our personal lives and the affairs of our families in a more Christian manner in the future... We examined into the reported criminality of Brother [Albert] Carrington while in England, and have had a full explanation from him of these matters, and find there is no criminality to be attached to him, yet he was very unwise and inprudent in his course while abroad, which might have given cause for grave suspicions. Brother Carrington is also convinced that his conduct was not consistent with his calling as an Apostle.

...Pres[iden]t. John Taylor: ... So far as Brother Carrington is concerned I had received a letter from Brother John Henry Smith pertaining to some matters which I considered more a matter of inprudence and indiscretion rather than criminal...

President Joseph F. Smith stated that some time ago Bro[ther]. F[rancis]. M. Lyman had been informed by one of the brethren returning from his mission from England that there was some misconduct between Brother Carrington and a certain sister while they were at Liverpool, which was very derrogatory to the character and position of an Apostle in charge of such an important mission....

Upon which by request of Elder Carrington said: These statements are very much mixed-

Sister Kirkman was an orphan girl and a resident of Bolton. We needed an assistant housekeeper at 42 and as she appeared a suitable person we had her come to 42 as an assistant housekeeper. She was not very strong and we soon found that cooking did not agree with her, hence she did the work about the house-and when she was not so engaged I gave her the priviledge of the prayer room whenever she pleased, and at her leisure to knit, sow, read, etc. and when it did not interfere with the business of the office. She was a woman very free to chat and talk and make herself agreeable, as English women are; but as I thought it gave no cause for any suspicion as to her conduct.

As to the statement that Sister K[irkmam]. was seen lying on my body, while I was on the lounge in the Prayer room, I do not know of any such an occurence... As regards to the London trip as Sister Kirkham was about to emigrate had not seen much of the country, and never been to London-I asked her if she would like to go to London and she accepted the invitation. ... In relation to my accompanying Sister Kirkham to make purchases...

The Cabin story is all false, and made out of whole cloth, for I do not know that I saw her at anytime on the steamer more than to say good-bye. The writing to me and addressing me as My Dear Pa, I do not know of receiving but one letter from her... The Evanston matter was also made out of whole cloth.

Now as to my course I must admit that others might have had suspicion as to my conduct, as Sister Kirkman was very free and talkative... I have never in my life, had any connection with any female other than my wives, either at home or abroad, the Lord had preserved me free from anything of that kind.

After hearing the statements of Brother Carrington, the President asked the brethren present if they were still willing to accept and approve Bro[ther]. Carrington, to which they assented. President Taylor called a vote on the question[:] ... All voted in the affirmative.


[Source: Minutes, Quorum of Twelve]


  1. "We needed an assistant housekeeper at 42 and as she appeared a suitable person we had her come to 42 as an assistant housekeeper."

    What is "42"? Street address? Cumulative mission number (chronological)?

    1. 42 was the address for the British mission office: "42 Islington, Liverpool" per John Henry Smith Diary 1-C under the date of Dec.5, 1883.


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