175 years ago today - Dec 9, 1845

[Heber C. Kimball]

Plesent. Br. B Young and my self got in to the Temple little before 10 in the morning. Found David Candland and Joseph Young. El. B. [Young] gave the dore keeper a charge, to be more strick in his duty. Still fixing up the rooms. ... We are at this time wating fore the two west Rooms for washing. ... Elder Young is putting up a Marble Clock by the East window. The stoves in the wash rooms are fitted up and fire in them. We shall begin our opperations to morrow Morning if the Lord will. O Lord be with Thy servents and inspire thare hearts with lite and knowlledge, so that they may not go rong in the ordanance of the Holy Preasthood and Thy name shall have all the Glory. ... At 5 the Twelve met in council at W. Richards with two Cathlcks Preas. Mr. Tucer [Tucker] of Quincy and Mr. Hamilton of Springfield com[e] to contract fore [the purchase of] our City. From there went back to the Temple.

...Elder B. Young and H. C. Kimball washed our selvs in pur water, fore time and also G. A. Smith, Am. Limon, and [were] the first washed in the Temple of the Lord. And also finished a Leter to the Catholocks, giving our propsels, to sell. We had a good time before the Lord. We shall come to Morrow with our wives, that is all the Holy Order to go through with our washings and Anointing again in the Temple of our God.

[Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]

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