According to David Whitmer, when Martin Harris has problems raising the money to pay for the printing, Hyrum suggests that they go to Canada and sell the copyright. Hyrum asks Joseph, and Joseph receives a revelation that agrees. When Hiram Page and Oliver return from Toronto, having been unsuccessful, they ask Joseph why the revelation failed, and he says, "Some revelations are of God; some revelations are of men; and some revelations are of the devil." Mass meetings are held in Palmyra to boycott the printing of the book, and Grandin becomes so nervous about his money that he suspends printing. Joseph returns to Palmyra to urge Martin to pay the printer in full, but Martin's wife is opposed, so he refuses
[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology; Brigham H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church (6 volumes) 1: 162-66.]
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