Patriarchal Blessing of Harlow Redfield and companion given by Joseph Smith, Sr. ... Thou shalt stand upon the earth till the end of wickedness & see the winding up scene. God shall support thee & be with thee to deliver thee from the power of all thy enemies. & give thee power over fire to command all things, heal the sick, cast out Devils open the eyes of the blind, & do all things that shall come within thy mission to do. Thou shalt stand among the 100 & 44000 even as thou hast desired, with the thousands which thou shalt gather from the nations ...
Also a blessing for thy companion who is absent She also is sealed up unto eternal life. & I seal a blessing for her even all power which shall be necessary for her in all circumstances, that she may be able to resist the adversary, & escape the power of the destroyer -- She shall remain on the earth even to the end of time & live till She is fully satisfied with life, & the blessing of heaven shall rest upon her, & she shall be qualified for every duty - with wisdom, intel[l]igence, all things both for her & her children, to teach them their duties & govern her house in the absence of her husband. & be accepted at last in the celestial kingdom. These & all kneadful [needful] blessings I seal for her in the name of Jesus Amen.
[Patriarchal Blessings]
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