170 years ago today - 170 years ago - Aug 18, 1843. Friday.

[William Clayton Journal] President Joseph instructed S[amue]l James in the order of the Holy Priesthood [Plural Marriage] ...I had some conversation with Brother [Newel] Whitney and have learned that Farrs family are conspiring with Walkers boys and girls and they with E[mma] to accomplish my downfall. I find they are my secret enemies but I fear them not for God who knows the secrets of all hearts knows mine also. I told M[argaret] [his plural wife] of this and ascertained that she had acknowledged to A[aron] [her former fiance] that I had slept with her and if it never had been done (our union) it should not be. This of course has given him a plea and a weapon against me.

[Source: George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton]

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