[Joseph Smith Diary] Thursday, August 17th In office 10 1/2 A.M. Trial [of] a case against Margaret Butterfield vs Alexander Mill. Also commenced a suit [of] Nauvoo vs Joel Bullard. Adjourned to 4 P.M. After dinner tried a case Nauvoo vs John Frizzacharly. 4 P.M. finished trying Butterfield[']s case.
9 P.M. Issued out a capius[?] before Alderman Harris vs A. LaForest and he was brought to court room and left $5 to secure for use of room till morning. P[arley] P. Pratt and O[rson] Hyde started for Boston by Chicago.
[Source: Faulring, Scott (ed.), An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith: Joseph Smith Diary, 1843-44, http://amzn.to/jsdiaries]
p.407. "capius" was probably a writ of "habeas corpus". Thursday.